is. He exists, and therefore we are, which is where it is at. This is what
we know for sure: He came into being in the now defunct Federal Republic
of Germany in the summer of love,
which coincidentally was also the year of the monkey.
He left his fatherland right after the Berlin Wall came down. The
rumor that he caused the reunification and that the Turkish Mafia was trying to
kill him for this, is absolutely not true. Quite the opposite took place
– after he served his country in a mental hospital for two years to help
in the fight against terrorism of the mind, he discovered that life is like a
thickly layered chocolate cake;
if you have too much you're going to get sick. He then escaped to the City
of Angeles and explored Jean-Luc Godard’s words that film is truth twenty-four
frames per second and found out that 2-D projected images are the way to absolve
reality from its pain. After almost four years in dark rooms with various film
viewing devices, he went to the top of the hill in a far away town called Pasadena.
There he discovered a steel and brick building spanning a ravine like a
misplaced bridge, home of the Art Center College
of Design, where he found answers to questions he never even dreamt of. He
unearthed his early masterpiece QUITTERS,
a 15 minute fever dream of anti-smoking zealots kidnapping a tobacco executive.
He returned to the fatherland and tried to get work as a background dancer
in German Hip-Hop music videos but quickly the German government gave him a scholarship
to return to the new country to get his MFA – during which time he created
an outstanding commercial reel that could sell electric heaters to Saudi Arabians.
At the same time he discovered the Quin Gallus Pisces (the Chinese
Chicken Fish) that led him to the chicken, which he built out of chicken parts,
bought in a supermarket and adorned with feathers from an Ikea down comforter.
By unlocking the mystery of creation he evolved to the leader in lederhosen –
the ultimate square dancer of the scrap heap of hopes of love. But do not
be intimidated – after all Ralph is just a
living metaphor for you and me – a symbiosis of our souls
in turmoil. next